3rd JULY 2010 9.25am many of beautiful ladies here....*Down into earth* I didnt care too much because my eyes blind already....exactly my high 163cm,weight 52kgs...*shut up u...knew gettin fat already....*
First around Begins here...(after pass high+education cert)
excited.....what else????speechless
they separately by my batch quite tough,5 ladies and only one man,
so excited....Don't know how to express here...*last year not so nervous like this year...* interview room....*
fall in love with the judge,,*sorry adif.....
I cant hide my feelin....*so if u read my post please contact me as soon as possible*..*wink*...straight to the point,......,Actually I dont know what they are lookin for,but I believe they want the best among the rest,doesnt meant u look so hot and beautiful easily can move another level...nope totally wrong ya,U must be
good in communication skills, and the most importantly
kept smiling...I believe u must help each other,and always give support to others candidate,u cant be selfish....because at last nothing u'll get, It all about team work,u cant walk alone..... After almost 20 minutes,first round finished and the result is ready,
*thanked to six of u because willing to come for an interview today, i knew first round quite tough for all of u,but never mind all of u can try for next interview, only one of u are selected, (then he called everyone's name except
still bear in my mind....
omg, YA ALLAH alhamdulillah, move to next eyes keep lookin on my hubby....thanked to u too....(he's so special even someone told me adif's face like
SecOnd Round...
Groomin session....
Screamin again....just noticed my weight 52kgs,...please cant accept this fact..anyone please ........delete the fact..I love this session,seriously, at first worried about my scar..*had an accident almost 4 years ago*but love the beautiful ladies .....always calm me domn...Dont worried dear,never mind.....Catwalk ok....seems like miss world with her high heels...reality my face very ugly....
*Congratulations to u,u move to next round see u tomorrow all the best*
(excited,but damn nervous because Tomorrow have go back to KL before 3pm,can I make it???)
I let u think about that.......beyond my expectations......
to be continue........