Tuesday, August 24, 2010


dis early morning I felt x tentu hala might be because I've decide to choose FA .........
Why FA and not GOV?

Sarjan Wan Sidek said: nanti ko myesal aja, aku cakap betul tgkla nanti..

Bayun: buatla yg terbaik utk aja dan adif, decide and plan ur future

Hadif: u g la FA tu, itukan ur dream job, janji u setia kat I..

Nura: Gov more stable, FA more income

who else?
opss from my sis

LIZA: ikutla nasihat kwn2 ko tu, diorg tu munafik tau cakap belakang je..

entahla kan, I pun mls nk fikir semua ni...yg pntng

I know the limitation as a muslim,daughter,mum,aunty,GF.....WIFE....
I want to be FA because

I can travel around d globe,
I can gain more knowledge,
gain new experience,meet more people,improve my communication skills,WORK HARD THAN BEFORE

Trired following their rules, even my idea they never listen, so.....even last night kept thinking Really ke I leaving Gov? I said YES I'm coz  Gov skrg x mcm last 10 years...so ..even MAS seems x stable juga on their financial but I felt as long as they pay me why not I try ya, lgpun My husband should work hard!!! I akan try manage my money properly!!!! yeah...I've to.....I'm not came from RICH family...My BF pun mandor je...hahahahahahahahha



  1. you'll be fineeeee.
    besides FA slalu retire early so you will have time for your husband and your family ;)

  2. hehe...u're rite dear,,..
    thax for ur support syg...
